Originally published on October 4, 2023 by Hannah Carvalho on Associations Now's website.
Forj’s 2023 State of Association Member Experience report found that organizations are not meeting member expectations. Improving technology offerings, focusing on retention, and creating community-driven learning can prove beneficial.
Many associations may be struggling to meet member expectations, particularly those in the early and mid-stages of their careers.
That’s according to Forj’s 2023 State of Association Member Experience: Members as Disruptors report, which surveyed more than 1,000 association members from across the U.S.“Member value proposition can be different based on the profile of the members,” said Forj CEO Kurt Heikkinen. “The attitudes, behaviors, and needs of someone entering their career are very different than someone in the mid or late stages of their career.”
Looking at career stages, the report found that early-career members were less likely to “definitely renew” their membership (42.7 percent) than midcareer (60.8 percent) or late-career members (68.6 percent)...
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